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Tulossa olevat kirjat: Spritual Treasures

Kirjan nimi: Spritual Treasures
Alaotsikko: Esotericism in the Finnish Art World 1890-1950
Tekijä: Kokkinen Nina, Nylund Lotta toim.
Sivumäärä: 192
Kieli: Englanti  Englanti
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2020
ISBN: 978-952-7226-54-4  UUTUUS
Sidosasu: Sidottu

Sisällön kuvaus:
Finnish artists have drawn inspiration from varied sources ranging from Masonic initiation rites to Rosicrucian art salons. Many were influenced by theosophical and anthroposophical philosophies, some even claiming to be guided by spirits. This book provides fresh and intriguing insights into the influence of esoterica in Finnish art. Among the famous artists who took a special interest in matters of the spirit were Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Beda Stjernschantz, Magnus Enckell, Meri Genetz and Eva Törnwall-Collin. Paired with a rich accompaniment of exquisite illustrations, the text provides background analysis by Finland’s leading experts, featuring well-known works by beloved artists as well as forgotten masterpieces.
