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Tulossa olevat kirjat: Messages From The Masters

Kirjan nimi: Messages From The Masters
Tekijä: Weiss Brian L.
Sivumäärä: 272
Kieli: Englanti  Englanti
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2001
ISBN: 0446676926
Sidosasu: Nidottu

Sisällön kuvaus:
Marie recounts a memory from the womb, where, at the family kitchen table, her mother makes a shockingly accurate prediction about herself and her unborn child. Diane, a nurse, finds, beneath the right shoulder of a male patient, a crescent birthmark identical to the one of a lost child she had recalled in a past-life regression. She and the man are now married. Jim was unwillingly drafted into the Vietnam War. Later he recalls a past life as a nineteenth-century soldier scalped by Indians. His reluctance to fight and kill was a reminder of his own past role as a victim of war. Carole is awakened by the phone. The voice on the other end, asking about the family business and the welfare of his loved ones, belongs to her father, who had died earlier that week.These stories express a profound yet simple truth. And perhaps no one better than Brian Weiss - a medical graduate of Yale, the former head of psychiatry at a major medical center, and today the leading expert on reincarnation - can share that truth with the world. It is the message imparted by the Masters, the super-evolved, nonphysical souls who have always been with us and are with us now.In this book you will hear people giving intimate and startling testimony to the miraculous potential of love. You will explore what happens after we die, strategies for fighting anxiety and healing relationships, the role of God and self-determination. You will explore exercises and meditations to harness the power of love and utterly transform your life.
